The story of Frankie is not uncommon; however, you don’t often see it shared on-screen. It’s a different kind of coming-of-age. One where the body and the person inside of it diverge at the very same time they’re meant to grow together. This divergence is rife with some of the same chaos, confusion, and disorientation that all kids experience as they emerge from adolescence, but it lacks the familiar vocabulary. It carries with it the same momentous weight, but none of the resolution.

And so, what better medium than film to articulate something that words can’t quite describe?

This project means a lot to its creators, not only because it bears a resemblance to their own experience but because we believe in its ability to make a splash — pun intended — at festivals nationally and internationally. With your help, we hope to make something that we can all be proud of.

In contributing to this film, you’re investing in us as filmmakers, trusting that our story and vision will resonate. Short films are not typically money-making entities, but with the right platforms and accolades they can help to further establish the careers of those involved and spread that vision to a wider audience.

This film is a Seek Films production.

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